Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Lookin' for a Job

Since I had surgery (July /08) I haven't been working.

I have rather enjoyed this, but I am not to be a kept woman any I must find employment. Employment where I will be happy and enjoy my job.(I am to get up, get dressed and out of the house every morning---and this is supposed to make me happy????) Like when does this happen.

Not such an easy thing to do because.......I want to be working in a place that I know the Lord has put me. For a season or a reason. But I want it clear..... (Really, I want it LOUD and clear.)

Well it would appear I'm not so special that I get everything I want. (I know that may come as a surprise to some of you). I have to beg, plead, cry and even scream on occasion to get direction.

I had put about 35 - 40 resumes out there since September /08, and I began a new but part time positon at Lakewood Dental.
Girl friday with reception training so I can relieve for holidays and what ever.

I am that very friendly voice that calls and leaves a message reminding you of your appointment. ( or just letting you know that you haven't been in for 3 years and your mouth must be rotting by now, to say nothing of your breath. So get your butt in here and let us clean your teeth)

Before I got to know any of the last names of my co-workers I had left most of them a message reminding them they needed to make appointments. (They all assured me I had done a very nice job.)

My first practice call was to Jime ( who better to try it out on??) So very professionally I called, reminding him to come in for a checkup, (co-worker gave me a thumbs up and big smile (doing great))
And when he said he didn't know if he would have time (as he was busy playing his guitar). I just said , "Don't mess with me boy and get your butt in here". This of course caused my co-worker's eyes to almost pop out of her head, and then she just bust a gut laughin'.

I made the appointment for the very next day.

Jime wants to buy a 2nd vehicle---nuh uhh

It takes me 4 1/2 minutes to walk from my driveway to work..... How Perfect!!!

I am working at my very own dentist, (to funny) and I work with Brenda Carson (Gould) Steward's sister, who I grew up with. It is a funny world we live in.

The hours I work are abit ---- okay more that a little bit not that great. 1:00-7:00 but that usually is a couple days of 1 week and into a couple of days of the next and then off for 1 week.

Still I would like 1:00-5:00

Once we get everything caught up there I'm sure my hours will be cut back a bit (but always to 7:00) and that's okay as the Lord has opened another door for part time work at another facility.

I did try to shut that door (3 times in fact) and the Lord just kept knockin'. Louder and LOUDER each time. Silly me. WHAT WAS I THINKING.

So that door is now open........Monday-Friday, 8:00-12:00 at Rainbow Lodge and, 1:00-7:00 at Lakewood Dental......(Mental you say...I may agree)

Again it is only a 10:00 minute walk in the other direction to get to Rainbow. And I have so many friends that work there.

The 1st day on the job, I walk in and there is know wife of Denis and they come every friday night to worship.....she is remarried and I don't know her new name.....shame on me.
Anyway, back to my story......she gave me such a big hug and went on and on how glad she was that I was there could I not want to be there. And Linda J. comes over from Parkside every other day and Aires is there and a couple of friends from Quilting even...........Oh happy days.

Okay the one down side is that I only got, 2-4hour days of training. Yeees, you heard me correctly. (or rather read correctly) But I just love the job. It is so "ME"

All the littles ducks need to be in a row and they need to be kept being put into rows...what better for a person that likes her ducks in a row...hehehe

Speaking of Ducks....I bought a pair of gum boots!!!!! Never thought I would need to since we moved from "the farm". Remember when we would all leave our gum boots at the bottom of the driveway so we had them to wear because we couldn't navigate the muddy driveways with our vehicles? Ha ha ha.....Soooo very glad we moved to town.

Okay, so I digress.(?) But I'm back bloggin.........

1 comment:

Liana said...

Rainbow??? You work at Rainbow??? Good thing I didn't pick you up the other day. I'da been sitting in the parking lot of Parkside for hours!